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Nintendo Move: Rest

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Type -type Category Origin Nintendo
The user goes to sleep for two turns. It fully restores the user's HP and heals any status problem.
Power0 Accuracy0 PP10
Priority0 TargetUser Signature moveNo
Contact: No
Blocked by Protect: No
Blocked by Magic Coat: No
Stolen by Snatch: Yes
Used by Mirror Move: No
Boosted by King's Rock: No
Sound-based: No
The user of this move induces the Sleep status on itself (overriding and curing any other non-volatile status it may have) in exchange for recovering all its HP. The user remains asleep for 2 turns, excluding the turn of use, with the user waking up on the 3rd turn. The turns spent asleep are reduced to 1 if the user has the Early_Bird Ability. Rest will fail if the user is already asleep, the user's HP is full, or if the user is prevented from falling asleep by the effects of moves or Abilities (e.g. Worry Seed, Insomnia).

Pokémon that learn Rest by level-up: