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Nintendo Move: Round

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Type -type Category Origin Nintendo
The user attacks the target with a song. Others can join in the Round and make the attack do greater damage.
Power060 Accuracy100 PP15
Priority0 TargetSingle Pokémon except user Signature moveNo
Contact: No
Blocked by Protect: No
Blocked by Magic Coat: No
Stolen by Snatch: No
Used by Mirror Move: No
Boosted by King's Rock: No
Sound-based: No
This move is an ordinary attack in a singles battle.
In a double or triple battle however, if any of the user's allies also know Round, and have not yet acted that turn, they will then use Round immediately after the original user, disregarding Speed differences but sacrificing their own turns in the process. The base power of the allies' Round attacks is also doubled to 120 in this scenario.
In a triple battle, this move may target anyone facing or adjacent to the user. Therefore if the original user of this move is in the left or right position and targets the foe immediately opposite them, then only the attack of the middle ally will hit the foe. If the target of this move is an ally, then the other ally will attempt to attack, but the targeted ally will not attack itself.

Pokémon that learn Round by level-up: