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#FA244: Chicoon: SuperDex Entry

Suggested by: Blinx900

Data Ability Class Dex Flavor Evo Info Location Egg Breeding
Type Chart Training Stats Move List Egg Moves HM Moves TM Moves Move Tutors
Regional Dex
Bombur: Advanced
Sprites and artwork of Pokémon Factory pokémon are ©The Pokémon Factory and are not to be used elsewhere.
Bombur: Advanced Generation (PFA)
Pokémon Data
Name Pokédex Type Height Weight
#FA244 Chicoon
Octagon Pokémon
Frigid Contact with the Pokémon may freeze the attacker.
Type Color Body Style Habitat
Pokédex Flavor
Ruby Sapphire Having grown long legs and arms, Chicoon are able to move around much quicker than before. However, the weight of their octagon-shaped shells can be a burden to carry. They are often found atop large glaciers.
Evolution Chain
Basic Stage »»» Stage 1 »»» Stage 2
Location Report
Location Rarity Time Season Weather Max. Level
Askorun Wastes Uncommon Morning, Day All All Lv. 18
Breeding Chain
Parent »»» Egg »»» Baby
Breeding Details
Gender Ratio Egg Group Steps to Hatch Egg Cycles
5355 Steps 21
Type Chart
Takes 0x damage from  
Takes ¼x damage from  
Takes ½x damage from  
Takes 2x damage from  
Takes 4x damage from  
Move List
Level Move Name Type Category Power Accuracy PP Effect Rate
-- Tackle 50 100% 35 --
A physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body.
-- Growl -- 100% 40 --
The user growls in an endearing way, making the foe less wary. The target's Attack stat is lowered.
-- Harden -- -- 30 --
The user stiffens all the muscles in its body to raise its Defense stat.
-- Mist -- -- 30 --
The user cloaks its body with a white mist that prevents any of its stats from being cut for five turns.
-- Snowball 15 85% 20 --
Hurl snowballs at the target.
-- Freezer Burn 20 100% 10 --
Exposure to raw, searing cold.
20 Icy Wind 55 95% 15 100%
The user attacks with a gust of chilled air. It also lowers the target's Speed stat.
22 Aurora Beam 65 100% 20 10%
The foe is hit with a rainbow-colored beam. It may also lower the target's Attack stat.
25 Constrict 10 100% 35 10%
The foe is attacked with long, creeping tentacles or vines. It may also lower the target's Speed.
26 Icicle Spear 25 100% 30 --
The user launches sharp icicles at the foe. It strikes two to five times in a row.
28 Ice Shard 40 100% 30 --
The user flash freezes chunks of ice and hurls them. This move always goes first.
32 Body Slam 85 100% 15 30%
The user drops onto the foe with its full body weight. It may leave the foe paralyzed.
34 Hail -- -- 10 --
The user summons a hailstorm lasting five turns. It damages all Pokémon except the Ice type.
38 Ice Beam 95 100% 10 10%
The foe is struck with an icy-cold beam of energy. It may also freeze the target solid.
42 Absolutezero -- 75% 5 --
Foe is exposed to the coldest temp.
56 Sheer Cold -- 30% 5 --
The foe is attacked with a blast of absolute-zero cold. The foe instantly faints if it hits.
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