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Nintendo Move: Incinerate

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Type -type Category Origin Nintendo
The user attacks the target with fire. If the target is holding a Berry, the Berry becomes burnt up and unusable.
Power030 Accuracy100 PP15
Priority0 TargetAll opposing Pokémon Signature moveNo
Contact: No
Blocked by Protect: Yes
Blocked by Magic Coat: No
Stolen by Snatch: No
Used by Mirror Move: Yes
Boosted by King's Rock: Yes
Sound-based: No
If this move successfully inflicts damage and the target is holding a Berry, that Berry is destroyed.
If the target is however holding an Occa or Rowap Berry, its effect will be activated and the Berry used up before Incinerate can destroy it. This move hits both opponents in double battles and all facing and adjacent opponents in triple battles, but cannot target allies.

Pokémon that learn Incinerate by level-up: