Next Up:
#DS161 Noctulus
at 72%
Nearly There:
#DS165 Katanaroot
at 72%

Type Reference Engine

Use this engine to find out the defensive strengths and weaknesses of a pokémon of any type you choose, as well as a list of all pokémon of that type.

Use these two pulldown menus to select a type. Then, click the Go! button to find information on that type.

Type 1:Type 2:




Resistances and Vulnerabilities

Water-types on record:


#RB007 Squirtle

#RB008 Wartortle

#RB009 Blastoise


#RB054 Psyduck

#RB055 Golduck

#RB060 Poliwag


#RB061 Poliwhirl

#RB062 Poliwrath


#RB072 Tentacool



#RB073 Tentacruel


#RB079 Slowpoke


#RB080 Slowbro



#RB086 Seel

#RB087 Dewgong


#RB090 Shellder


#RB091 Cloyster


#RB098 Krabby

#RB099 Kingler


#RB116 Horsea

#RB117 Seadra

#RB118 Goldeen


#RB119 Seaking

#RB120 Staryu

#RB121 Starmie



#RB129 Magikarp

#RB130 Gyarados


#RB131 Lapras



#RB134 Vaporeon

#RB138 Omanyte


#RB139 Omastar



#RB140 Kabuto


#RB141 Kabutops


#GS158 Totodile


#GS159 Croconaw

#GS160 Feraligatr

#GS170 Chinchou



#GS171 Lanturn


#GS183 Marill

#GS184 Azumarill


#GS186 Politoed

#GS194 Wooper


#GS195 Quagsire



#GS199 Slowking


#GS211 Qwilfish


#GS222 Corsola



#GS223 Remoraid

#GS224 Octillery

#GS226 Mantine



#GS230 Kingdra


#GS245 Suicune

#RS258 Mudkip


#RS259 Marshtomp


#RS260 Swampert


#RS270 Lotad



#RS271 Lombre


#RS272 Ludicolo


#RS278 Wingull



#RS279 Pelipper


#RS283 Surskit


#RS318 Carvanha



#RS319 Sharpedo


#RS320 Wailmer

#RS321 Wailord


#RS339 Barboach


#RS340 Whiscash


#RS341 Corphish


#RS342 Crawdaunt


#RS349 Feebas

#RS350 Milotic


#RS363 Spheal


#RS364 Sealeo


#RS365 Walrein



#RS366 Clamperl

#RS367 Huntail

#RS368 Gorebyss


#RS369 Relicanth


#RS370 Luvdisc

#RS382 Kyogre


#DP393 Piplup

#DP394 Prinplup

#DP395 Empoleon



#DP400 Bibarel


#DP418 Buizel

#DP419 Floatzel


#DP422 Shellos

#DP423 Gastrodon


#DP456 Finneon


#DP457 Lumineon

#DP458 Mantyke


#DP479 Rotom
Wash Form



#DP484 Palkia


#DP489 Phione

#DP490 Manaphy


#DP493 Arceus
bearing Splash Plate

#BW501 Oshawott

#BW502 Dewott


#BW503 Samurott

#BW515 Panpour

#BW516 Simipour


#BW535 Tympole

#BW536 Palpitoad


#BW537 Seismitoad



#BW550 Basculin

#BW564 Tirtouga


#BW565 Carracosta



#BW580 Ducklett


#BW581 Swanna


#BW592 Frillish



#BW593 Jellicent


#BW594 Alomomola

#BW647 Keldeo



Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /hermes/walnacweb03/walnacweb03ak/b1868/pow.poryhedron/pokefactory/htdocs/search/typelookup.php on line 194
#PFSTAFF Botispine


See also pure Water-types