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Welcome to the Pokémon Factory!
We are a community-driven website devoted to the creation of fake pokémon. On the left are the archives of PF's pokémon, and on the right, information on the world we've built.
Our main source of activity is the PF Suggestions Board, where members suggest ideas for new pokémon, discuss the latest pokémon news, play games, and role-play in our forum RPG, set on our own continent of Bombur.
So browse around, and maybe come join the party!

Latest news:

Nostalgia for the Early Days, with The Johto Times

14th December 2023 | BonzaiRob

Recently, Darren from The Johto Times - a Pokémon newsletter focused on nostalgia - reached out to me, looking to put together an interview about the early days of PF. While I've tried to move on, in some ways I never will. PF will always hold a special place in my heart, and also, none of the new guys know how to stop me getting back in. (There's a loose window in the second floor bathroom round back, pops right open if you hit the lintel just right.)

You can read the interview here:

If you were there for the very early days of PF, or you'd just like a window into what it was like, this interview is for you. It also contains some never-before-revealed tidbits like the mysterious relationship between Aspenth and Frogglet (of Mewthree and Frogglet's Pokémon Factory), what happened behind-the-scenes for the 10th anniversary event, and why I care so much about the Lamer Bag comic.

Darren has also been helping out around here, using his investigative skills and Wayback-Machine-fu to track down some missing dexes and staff members from the PFClassic era! You'll see him credited on those pages now, alongside images that had probably been lost for longer than most people reading this have been alive.

On that note, December the 27th 2023 marks the Pokémon Factory's 25th anniversary. Here's to 25 more! See you around :)

statistics: Posted by BonzaiRobDec 14, 2023 — Replies 2 — Views 88

Site Fixes

8th November 2021 | BonzaiRob

*blows the dust off the announcement microphone* 
*it makes an ear-splitting screech*

Hey there kiddos. Moppnttef came to me the other day saying the site was broken, so I let myself in with my old keys and fixed it up.

The broken images should all be fixed, plus some TM/HM problems on the Superdex, and the news… for now. Tapatalk’s RSS feed is absolutely awful.

And also, just for fun, I decided to release one last Pokémon. Murmette, by lightningrod14, has been done for years, waiting patiently in the staging area for an update than never came… but maybe it’s fitting for a Ghost-type to be the the final release.

(Edit - since nobody can stop me now, I've also added some history back to the site. The About page now has a full history of the site, which was founded Dec 27th 1998. The Staff page now shows every staff member I could remember or track down, along with nationality and years of service. The Lamer Bag comic is back, and some very early posters by Legion are back.)

I’m truly sorry that we never finished the DS archive, and I wish we’d hired more people from the community. The spirit of the PF community was always truly unique, and I regret we didn’t do more, both for and with you.

Thanks for the memories, guys. Working here was a wonderful adventure, and I wish you all the best. Reach out if you see me around somewhere.

statistics: Posted by BonzaiRobNov 08, 2021 — Replies 2 — Views 256

The State Of The Factory

10th July 2019 | ZeldaFan

A quick update, from your pals at PF...

Most of the posts here in the past couple years have revolved around the question "What happened?", so I'll try and address that for the few remaining stragglers who might see it.

In short, PF is fairly dead. We bit off more than we could chew, and people grew up, got lives, got jobs. Other obligations to deal with. The DS dex was never completed because no one had time to work on it anymore. It's unfortunate, but these things happen. All work on the site has always been from volunteers, and that means that their own lives have to come first.

Q: Wait, who are you?
A: 10-year veteran ZeldaFan here. Tapatalk is weird so it doesn't look like I have a staff position, but hopefully the fact that I am posting an official announcement should suffice as proof of my credibility. I've been staff for probably the better part of a year now, but my induction was over discord and fairly unceremonious, so I don't expect people to recognize me.
Despite my relative inexperience, I am the closest thing that the PF project has to a single leader at this point, so if you have any questions I'd be the best person to direct them to.

As he has just recently posted, Bonzai has decided to step down. He was dividing his time between PF and 3DPE (which, I must stress, are wholly unrelated projects) and has decided to prioritze 3DPE at this point. We wish him the best.

Kakapulse has also formally resigned to pursue personal projects. Most other staff are on an indefinite hiatus. I'm pleased to announce that veteran staff member Moppnttef is still on board, and is our lead concept artist at this point. The remainder of the team is comprised of volunteers from the community, some of whom you might recognize. Rather than introducing them here, I'd like to suggest you join our sparkly new Discord server! The official Pokemon Factory Community Discord is now open to the public, and is the best place to ask questions and stay in touch with the staff. It's a bit empty at the moment (because I literally made it about 3 minutes before posting this), but feel free to join and come chat! Here's the link!

Q: So what are the plans for the future?
A: Nothing is set in stone at the moment. We're optimistic that we can pull the community back together, though! Work has already begun on an official PF fangame, which is, despite previous progress updates, now wholly independent of the 3DPE project. Apologies for the confusion, but the two efforts are wholly unrelated. Please do not seek out Bonzai or any 3DPE staff expecting PF-related content.

I'd also like to think we could finish the DS archive some day. As we don't have any dedicated spriters at the moment, however, that dream is quite a ways off, so no promises. If we were to complete the DS archive, we might move forward with some of the ideas Bonzai had for a redesign. Again, nothing concrete yet. We're a small team and we have a lot of other things on our respective plates right now, so we appreciate your patience.

Please join our discord if you want to keep up with the community! Thank you all for sticking around for all these years!

statistics: Posted by ZeldaFanJul 10, 2019 — Replies 1 — Views 588